Thursday, August 12, 2010

How I feel.. in a nutshell!

"Probably read the same two pages over several times."

"To hell with you, Brett Ashley."

These two phrases above pretty much sum up how I feel toward this novel at this point in time. I am getting to the point where I am positive that I am not reading the same line over and over but it feels like I am. Is it me, or does it seem like the only thing they do in this book is drink and party? When I started the book, I felt that there would be some exciting action to take place, but thus far the only think that has sparked my attention would be the bull fight. As for the second quote above, this is my attitude toward Brett at this time in the novel. I feel like all this drama is going on between the group regarding their relationship with Brett. And, we saw earlier that Mike got mad at Cohn for the way he acted toward he and always followed her around. However, I have always been a fan of "it takes two to tango", and in this situation I know Brett should be the one to blame, yet the men don't recognize it.

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