Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's all about me! Me, me, me, me, me

"Oh darling," Bret Said, "I'm so miserable."
Okay, so I am really starting to not like Bret! It seems to me that the only thing she does is tramp around and mooch off all these men. The quote above really spoke to me because it really dawned on me that the mood of the novel revolves around Bret's mood at that given point in time. For example, just a few chapters back, she invited herself over to Jake's apartment and practically threw herself on top of him. Now, at the end of this chapter she demanded Jake not to kiss her or anything. Now, I am no expert in love but if I were Jake, I would run. However, it seems to me Jake is blind to the whole situation (oh what can you say, he's a man:). I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that the situation is not going to change and that this is just a cycle that will reoccur many times throughout the novel (kind of like a motif).


  1. Brett is so annoying! I completely agree! She needs to make up her mind and realize that she cannot just throw herself around. And Jake...I feel like he's just hopelessly in love with her--and always will be.

  2. Huh. I never thought about how the tone of the book mirrors
